All men and women of the Gilmour community are invited to join us for the Gilmour Academy Networking Breakfasts.
Michael Grano ’94 (father of Michael II ’29, Olivia ’30, Emma ’34 and Mia ’36) is a hospitality veteran of 30 years and has worked for Yours Truly Restaurants, Brio/Bravo Restaurant Group and the Moven Group. He is currently the Managing Partner of Collision Bend Brewery with locations in the East Bank of the Flats and a new production facility in Euclid, Ohio. Collision Bend Brewery, founded in 2017, specializes in casual dining and events, with a growing wholesale beer production, manufacturing and distribution business.
Michael will touch on hospitality, customer service, and employee retention and training regarding the restaurant side of the industry. On the topic of the future of the craft brewery, he will discuss market trends, the future of the industry, branding and marketing.
Michael grew up in Gates Mills and is a Gilmour alum. He studied public relations at Boston University and returned home to complete his MBA in finance and entrepreneurship at Case Western Reserve University. In his free time Michael enjoys fishing and skiing with his wife, Rachel, and children. Michael’s son currently plays hockey for Gilmour, and his three daughters are avid gymnasts.