Campus and overnight retreat options including Kairos, Freshman retreat at Hiram House Camp and Sophomore retreat at the University of Notre Dame
Support for extracurricular activities including most athletic fees
Most curriculum-based day field trips
Transportation between Lower and Upper School as well as to and from curricular-based field and service trips, away games, speech and debate tournaments, etc.
Art and classroom supplies
Workbooks and textbooks for all Lower School students
Physical education
Building & Property Improvements Fee
Support for maintenance of campus facilities, including academic buildings and athletic facilities
Parent Organizations Fee
Support for activities sponsored for students by the parent clubs
Student textbooks (Grades 7-12)
AP Exam fees
Graduation Fee - $865
One-time fee billed to Grade 12 students to support the extra programs and services provided for the college counseling process, Senior Project and graduation
Lower School Before and After Care Program—view fees here