GIVE UP TO $750.
GET UP TO $750.*
Support our students through the NEW
Ohio Tax Credit Scholarship Program
The state of Ohio has recently passed an initiative that can benefit Gilmour and our students. You can make a donation to one of two Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO) and receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit up to $750 annually. This means if your Ohio state tax is equal to or greater than your donation, up to $750, your donation ultimately costs you nothing. If you file Married Filing Jointly, you can receive a credit for $1,500 on your joint state income tax return. The donated funds are then delivered to Gilmour by the SGOs for use in our tuition assistance program.
Thanks to the Ohio Tax Credit Scholarship Program, you can earn a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit while helping Gilmour. And the best news? It's SO easy. Check out this video.
Making a donation is easy.
Just follow the three steps below.
Donate Now

FAQs About the Ohio Tax Credit Program

List of 13 frequently asked questions.

  • Q. How does this new tax credit allow me to GIVE $750 & GET $750*?

    The Ohio General Assembly established a new program whereby Ohioans can receive a 100% tax credit against Ohio income tax liability for cash contributions to certified Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO) that grant scholarships to students, including those attending Catholic and independent schools. The maximum credit amount is currently $750 (if you file Married Filing Jointly, you can receive a credit for up to $1,500 on your joint state income tax return).
    You will claim this credit when you file your state income tax return. The nonrefundable credit will reduce your state tax liability (the amount you owe in taxes). A nonrefundable tax credit limits your tax benefit to no more than what you owe in taxes. The amount of the tax credit you can claim is equal to 100% of the amount you donate up to $750 per taxpayer. If you do not have a state tax liability, you will not receive a tax benefit from your donation.
    Note: The credit is applied against your Ohio tax liability. For clarification, your Ohio tax liability is the amount of taxes that you owe to the State of Ohio for the tax year (it is not based on the amount that you have you pay when you file your tax return). Therefore, even if you already anticipate receiving a refund due to overpayments during the year, your donation could increase the amount of your refund to the extent of your actual tax liability.
  • Q. What is an SGO?

    A Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that receives contributions from donors and grants educational scholarships to eligible students in Ohio. Individuals and entities that contribute to SGOs participating in the program can receive a tax credit. The SGO program was enacted in 2021 as part of Ohio House Bill 110.
  • Q. Who can contribute to an SGO?

    Anyone with an Ohio tax liability may be eligible for the tax credit.
  • Q. Who will benefit from this Scholarship Tax Credit Program (Win-Win)?

    • Gilmour Academy and our students:
      • Gilmour and our students will benefit from this program by prioritizing scholarships for families with demonstrated need that seek high-quality education opportunities for their children.
    • Ohio taxpayers
      • Offers taxpayers the ability to reduce their Ohio state tax liability by making a contribution to Scholarship Granting Organizations. This is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against your tax liability or the tax you owe to the State of Ohio.
  • Q. What SGOs are available to Gilmour Academy constituents?

      • The Ohio Association of Independent Schools established the OAIS SGO in 2022 to support the member independent schools and their students of Ohio.
      • The Catholic Community Foundation established The Angel Scholarship Fund in 2021 as a Scholarship Granting Organization to support our Catholic schools and students in the Diocese of Cleveland. 
  • Q. Why does Gilmour participate in two SGO programs?

    As an independent Catholic school in Northeast Ohio, Gilmour Academy is unique in that it is accredited by both the Ohio Catholic School Accrediting Association and the Ohio Association of Independent Schools, allowing us access to both scholarship opportunities. Donors may choose to which fund they donate. Donations made to either fund will be sent to Gilmour Academy and will support our students.
  • Q. Can my contribution be directed to the school of my choice?

    Yes. Donors to the OAIS SGO and the Angel Scholarship Fund have the option of making a contribution that is designated to benefit students at Gilmour Academy. In either case, scholarships to low-income families will be prioritized.
  • Q. May I designate my payment to a specific student or fund?

    No. As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Angel Scholarship Fund and the OAIS SGO do not accept contributions that are designated for specific students or specific pre-established scholarships.
  • Q. How do I donate?

    To donate, select either the OAIS SGO button or the Angel Scholarship Fund button on this page. It will take you to the secure donation page, where you will input your information and make your donation. An email confirmation will be sent from the SGO organization (not Gilmour Academy). Once the donation has been processed, the donor will receive a donation receipt.
  • Q. Can I donate appreciated stock?

    No. Donations can only be made by cash, check or credit card. 
  • Q. Who can qualify for the tax credit?

    Any Ohio taxpayer donating directly or through a pass-through entity to the SGO is eligible for the tax credit. A pass-through entity is a S corporation, partnership or a limited liability company treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes. Visit the IRS website for more information about business structures.
  • Q. Is there a cap or limit to the SGO and tax credit?

    There is no cap on donations to SGOs across the state. Any amount may be donated to the SGO, however, only $750 per individual or entity (if you file Married Filing Jointly, you can receive a credit for up to $1,500 on your joint state income tax return) may be claimed as a tax credit each year.
  • Q. Can I still take my SGO gift as a deduction on my federal taxes?

    Yes, your gift to the SGO is tax-deductible. Consult your tax advisor for advice based on your specific tax situation. For more information, visit Charitable Contribution Deductions | Internal Revenue Service.
*As always, contact your tax advisor on any charitable donations.