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Two Juniors Attend UN Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge

On Presidents’ Day, Holly Hunter ’26 and Brody Philipp ’26 attended the UN Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge at Ashland University, thanks to the generous support of the Veale Youth Entrepreneurship Forum. The workshop featured a host of hands-on activities followed by students working in small groups to create a company to solve a problem.
Hunter’s group pitched a project focused on teen healthcare. Their idea was to create an app to help promote better health outcomes and education for adolescents. 
Philipp’s group focused on solving the problems that surround the world’s energy sources, with the goal of lowering the amount of CO2 emissions and fossil fuels used in energy production. They came up with an idea to create energy by harvesting power from contaminated water that exits large buildings. They created a small water turbine that connects to pipes with contaminated water.
Hunter and Philipp both said they learned a great deal from the experience and hope to continue to build on the lessons learned there.