News Detail

Speech and Debate Results from States

Gilmour has always been known for its stellar speech and debate program and this year was no different with a team that had a great showing at the state tournament last weekend. The following students competed at the state tournament for the 2023-2024 school year:

Congress - Senate
Thomas Daly '27 
Matthew Lewis '27

Congressional Debate
Ian Miller '25
Luke Peterson '25

Humorous Interpretation
Anthony Marino '24

Informative Speaking
Charles Jablonski '25
Cedric Li '24

Original Oratory
John Paul Loeser '24
Anna Johannessen '25

Program Oral Interpretation
Briana Redmon '24

United States Extemporaneous Speaking
Vincent D’Angelo '25

Congratulations to Luke Peterson '25 and Thomas Daly '27 for advancing to the semifinals in Congress and Senate, respectively, and to Vincent D’Angelo '25, who advanced to quarterfinals in US Extemporaneous Speaking!