Reunion 2025

Registration - Saturday Games

By clicking Register and Submit Waiver below, I hereby fully waive, release indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless Gilmour Academy, its teachers, coaches, administrators, trustees, supervisors, agents, employees, and all private persons or organizations volunteering services without charge to supervise the Alumni Weekend Activities (selected below) on Saturday, May 31, 2025 on Gilmour Academy’s Campus, from any claim or liability of whatsoever kind or nature, including but not limited to personal injury, including loss of life, or loss of any kind and/or property damage, court costs, attorneys’ fees and interest, as a result of my participation in the Alumni Activities. 
I hereby voluntarily, at my own risk, sign this Waiver and Assumption of Risk in sole consideration of being permitted to use Gilmour Academy’s facilities or property.
I hereby acknowledge and understand that there are dangers and risks associated with the activities described above. I hereby agree to abide by all rules, instructions, policies and procedures imposed by the Gilmour Academy relating to the use of the facilities or property.
By signing this Waiver and Assumption of Risk, I fully assume the dangers and risks, and agree to use my best judgment while engaging in those activities. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Gilmour Academy, its employees, agents, officers, from and against any and all liability incurred as a result of or in any manner related to my participation in the activities.
I hereby certify that I am of legal age and competent to execute this Waiver and Assumption of Risk, that in doing so of my own free will and accord, voluntarily and without duress, and that I do so intending to bind myself, my executor, my heirs, and administrators or assigns to the fullest extent. I have read and understood the foregoing, and acknowledge my consent to the terms of this Waiver & Assumption of Risk by signing this Waiver.


Nicole Rodenfels
Annual Giving Officer
(440) 473-8091