Maximize your child’s talents at Gilmour Academy, where we provide an outlet and a stage from which our students express their authentic voices.
Whether they aspire to a career in performance, enjoy the arts as a pastime or simply wish to try something new, our diverse courses and extracurricular activities give Gilmour Academy students from 18 months to 18 years the opportunity to discover and express their unique voices.
In addition to electives and extracurricular activities, drama and music are incorporated into the curriculum at the Lower, Middle and Upper School levels, giving students of any background or talent the opportunity to explore, create and perform.

List of 3 items.

  • Lower School

    • Toddlers (18 months- 3 years) take Music & Movement and creative expression is incorporated daily.
    • Students in Kindergarten - Grade 6 perform in Christmas and spring concerts. They learn an instrument at each grade level, receive formal vocal instruction and can participate in chorus. Sixth graders participate in the Middle School band.
  • Middle School

    • Middle Schoolers present a musical each spring. All students participate, either on stage or behind the scenes. A recent performance was Disney's Frozen Jr.
  • Upper School

    • Students choose from a variety of electives including Pops Ensemble, acting techniques, play directing and production, and set design and scene painting and many more.
    • Student productions include two main stage productions each year. Recent performances were Theory of Relativity and Shrek.

ENCORE Chamber Music

The premier summer chamber music festival and institute, ENCORE Chamber Music, calls the Gilmour Academy campus home. Founded and directed by outstanding violinist and Gilmour graduate Jinjoo Cho ‘06, the organization’s mission is to “empower, nurture and inspire young classical musicians through the unlimited exploration of musical interpretation and collaboration.”